Friday, March 16, 2012


I've been here in Mexico a while now, but last night and early morning today was a first for me. Jonathan is a 20 year old young man in our church that was accused of some crimes in the Metro subway system last November, and found himself in one of Mexico City's prisons in less than 24 hours.

 I won't go into all the apparent inconsistencies related to his quickie trial and prosecution; I'll simply say that this has been a real trial for his family. His brother and mother have only been Christians for less than a year, and the father still has not made decision, which means that he really has made a decision. Jonathan apparently confirmed his faith inside prison walls.

We arrived at the brightly illuminated exit of the Reclusorio Oriente (East-Side Jail) at a bit before 11 p.m. last night. When I say "we" I am referring to 9 of us, some family members, some church members, that piled into our van. After several hours of waiting outside during a cool evening/early morning, we finally had the joy of seeing Jon walk through the gate to freedom at 2:20 a.m., after just over four months of incarceration.

 God works out everything for good for those who love him and are called according to his purpose. We are convinced without a doubt that He already has done good things through this very difficult experience, and will continue to do so.

Did I mention I'm still trying to recover from a short night?

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