Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Which is Easier, to Heal or to Forgive?

Mark 9:1-12 is a great passage to read right before you donate wheelchairs to a group of people who have both physical and spiritual needs. Jesus is preaching. But some people need their paralytic friend healed, so the climb up on the roof, begin tearing the terracotta up, and lower the man down through the new skylight they've created.

God can physically heal us, yes he can. That is important, although not what we most need. We need our sins forgiven. What a beautiful passage, what a clever way of wrapping up these two complementary truths in one cool story. And best of all…it is true.

Three of our recipients today suffer from cerebral palsy. One has leukemia. One other lady also received a chair, but could not get out of bed to be physically present. She also suffers from a severe case of cerebral palsy.  Her mother came for the chair.

I so admire the dedication and personal sacrifice of those who care for special needs people. I know about a bit of this first-hand, because my sister-in-law is wheelchair-bound. Mayra’s mother should receive a medal for all that she does, and one day, I’m sure she will. Thanks for those who prayed for today’s event. It was special, in a special sort of way.
Quote of the Day: They “don’t know their Bible.” They “know not the law,” as a later critic of Jesus’ work said. They are “mere laypeople,” who at best can fill a pew or perhaps an offering plate. No one calls on them to lead a service or even to lead in prayer, and they might faint if anyone did. They are the first to tell you they “really can’t make heads nor tails of religion.” They walk by us in the hundreds or thousands every day. They would be the last to say they have any claim whatsoever on God. The pages of the Gospels are cluttered with such people. And yet: “He touched me.” The rule of the heavens comes down upon their lives through their contact with Jesus. And then they too are blessed— healed of body, mind, or spirit— in the hand of God.
Willard, Dallas  The Divine Conspiracy (p. 101). Harper Collins, Inc.. Kindle Edition.

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